Last week may very well have been one of the worst times to run errands in the history of the world. The heat was so bad that the
Beaureau Beurau Bureau of Meteorology (in all my life I have never been able to spell that word) had to i
nvent a new colour for it. My original plans to go visiting some rural cities and take snaps for y'all have been on hold since -- well. I was going to make a joke about bushfires just now, but that's something you just don't do here. Actually, it's always so strange for me to see the English-speaking Internet explode with excitement for Black Friday, when here it's synonymous with a day of fires so bad that we still remember them, a good 70 years later.
I'm being morose. Here's a picture of my dog looking gorgeous.
Friday! I had birthday presents to hunt down and an interview at a bakery to DESTROY and sangria to inhale. But most of all, I wanted to show you around my city. So here it is.

Bit of a perv on Lt. Collins' Yule House. Is it possible to have a crush on a building?
Whoever let a tree (a
tree!) grow in front of these sensational buildings needs to take a long, hard look at themselves.
(Here's hoping all these pictures show up, huh?)
I want to visit that city so bad! I heard they have little restaurants and bars in some alleyways. Great photos!